65 Useful Online Tools You Must Use in 2025

useful online tools you must use in 2024 - InfoTrim

1. This Site Useful Online Tools

  1. infotrim.com/character-replacement-tool: Character Replacement Tool for Webpage code embedding
  2. infotrim.com/password-generator-online: Strong Password Generator Online 21 Character Long

2. Other Site Useful Online Tools

Blog Post Title Generator With ‘Focus Keyword’:

  1. www.portent.com/tools/title-maker: Get Different blog post title Suggestion with ‘Focus Keyword’ on Clicking ‘Rotate Button’ with their meanings as well
  2. tweakyourbiz.com/title-generator: Generate Multiple blog post title Suggestion in various Categories using ‘Focus Keyword’. This is very important must tool for online blogger and freelancers.
  3. www.hubspot.com/blog-topic-generator: Get Free 5 blog post title suggestion using ‘Focus Keyword’

Online Grammar Checking Tools:

  1. grammarly.com: Check Online Grammar while writing any content online like in Gmail, website, MS Word (download offline software for this) and so on. This is Free and Paid Useful Online Tools. Use it as free tool (It’s free for lifetime) until you don’t have enough money to use as pro member.
  2. prowritingaid.com: Alt of ‘Grammarly.Com’ to check Grammar Online but its Paid Tool which is more advance than grammarly.com

Get ‘Focus Keyword’ Suggestion based on Competition:

  1. ads.google.com/home/tools/keyword-planner: ‘Google Keyword Planner’ to see ‘Focus Keyword’ Competition – Free Tool. Use Gmail and billing address (just formality you will never be charged) to signup and use this tool
  2. keywordseverywhere.com/google-search-volume.html: Alt of ‘Google Keyword Planner’ to see ‘Focus Keyword’ Competition – Paid Useful Online Tools
  3. tfidftool.com: Advanced Alt of ‘Google Keyword Planner’ to see ‘Focus Keyword’ Competition – Paid Useful Online Tools
  4. keywordtool.io: Advanced Alt of ‘Google Keyword Planner’ to see ‘Focus Keyword’ Competition – Paid Useful Online Tools

SERP Simulator (Shows How your Webpage looks in Google SERP):

  1. mangools.com/free-seo-tools/serp-simulator: Paste Url of any webpage to see How it looks in Google SERP – Good for bloggers
  2. serpsim.com: Paste Url to see How it looks in Google SERP – Good for bloggers
  3. technicalseo.com/tools/google-serp-simulator: Paste Url to see How it looks in Google SERP – Good for bloggers

Check Webpage Size Online:

  1. sitechecker.pro/page-size: Check ‘Page Size’ Pasting the url to take Major decision mostly related to

Schema Markup Generator for bloggers:

  1. technicalseo.com/tools/schema-markup-generator: Generate schema markup for videos, article, organization, website, FAQ Page, How-to, Job Posting etc.
  2. videoschema.com: Generate schema markup for videos in two format code automatically just by pasting URL (For video it is best than any other)

Check Rich Snippet Validity/error:

  1. search.google.com/test/rich-results: Check the rich snippet validity of your webpage URL with this another free Useful Online Tools

Check all types of code validity/error:

  1. search.google.com/structured-data/testing-tool/u/0: Check the accuracy/error of your webpage HTML (or any other) codes

Check Webpage Size Online:

  1. sitechecker.pro/page-size: Check ‘Page Size’ Pasting the url to take Major decision mostly related to the bandwidth which is good free Useful Online Tools.

Bandwidth Conversion Calculator:

  1. toolstud.io/data/bandwidth.php: Calculate bandwidth of your website and monthly internet data pack
  2. calculator.net/bandwidth-calculator.html: Advanced bandwidth calculator for your website and internet data pack

Pinging Website for good SEO:

  1. www.prepostseo.com/ping-multiple-urls-online: Ping website url or video url or your social media profile URL and so on for better pinging of those url to get indexed and rank faster in 50+ SERP based on category.
  2. www.duplichecker.com/search-engine-pinging-website-tool.php: Ping website url and other url like youtube and so on for better pinging of those url to get indexed and rank faster in SERP in categorized form.
  3. pingler.com: Ping your website URL for better ranking in SERP boosting SEO
  4. pingomatic.com: Ping website homepage only for better SERP increasing it’s SEO factor

Make PDF Online for Free:

  1. webtopdf.com: Simply create a pdf of any webpage just using the URL of that webpage. By adjusting the Html code of that webpage, a better-desired pdf can be made within a few seconds, which can be readable both on Desktop and Mobile.
  2. tools.pdf24.org/en/create-pdf: Merge PDF, Convert to PDF, Images to PDF, Webpage to PDF, Create PDF Job application, Create PDF with a camera, PDF Printer, Create Invoice and so on.
  3. online.sodapdf.com: Covert to PDF, Merge files to PDF, URL to PDF, PDF to Word, PDF to Excel, Add comments, Protect your PDF
  4. online2pdf.com: Image to PDF, PDF compression, Excel to PDF and vice-versa, Header and Footer setting in PDF, Password protection to pdf can be done within just a few clicks. This is for an extra layer of features added to PDF.

Free logo Maker for Website:

  1. www.namecheap.com/logo-maker/app/editor: Make logo for your website creating free account at namecheap.com with an email
  2. www.wix.com/logo/maker: Make logo for your website creating free account at wix.com with an email

Free GIF Maker for Website:

  1. giphy.com/create/gifmaker: Make Free GIF from images, videos by uploading and through URL as well. Use any email address to create a/c and start using it.

Check Broken Links for Website URL:

  1. smallseotools.com/websites-broken-link-checker: Check the broken links of any website URL with this free online SEO Tool

Check Dead Links for Website URL:

  1. www.deadlinkchecker.com/website-dead-link-checker.asp: Check the dead links for whole website or single webpage URL with this free online Tool

Write in Hindi (or any) in SMS Language:

  1. www.google.com/inputtools/try: Write in your preferred language using English language typing or SMS language with this awesome Useful Online Tools

Google Translate (From one Language to another):

  1. translate.google.com: Write in your preferred language using English language typing or SMS language

Google Docs:

  1. docs.google.com/document/u/0: Create online docs like form, resume, letter, application etc.

Check the differences between two similar content:

  1. www.diffchecker.com: Check the differences between original and changed text/image/pdf

CSS Obfuscator (Encode the CSS Code):

  1. cssobfuscator.com: CSS Obfuscator helps css code reading simply complex than original which is one of the cool free Useful Online Tools

JS Obfuscator (Encode the JS Code):

  1. obfuscator.io: JS Obfuscator helps js code reading simply complex than original (Sometimes it’s complex in rendering, use at your own risk)

Check Site Safe/Virus Status:

  1. sitecheck.sucuri.net: Check your website security and malware scanner just for free. It helps you to identify any error related to website virus

Check SSL Trustability:

  1. www.ssllabs.com/ssltest: Check SSL Trustability. Here Grade A+ is more secure than other grading an extra free Useful Online Tools

Receive Temporary email online:

  1. hnet.com/mail: Receive temporary email online without real registered email like gmail.com

Question Hub Google for Targeted Content Writing:

  1. questionhub.withgoogle.com/intl/en: Book 5 question for writing most asked targeted question in Google SERP. This is next best free Useful Online Tools which will drive targeted traffic to webpage with less content as well.

Buy and sell online Business like Websites, App, Domains etc.:

  1. www.flippa.com: Buy and sell online Business like websites, App, Domains etc to boost up your business success

Generate QR Code online for any thing:

  1. www.the-qrcode-generator.com: Generate online QR Code for your any kind of business information storing and sharing online

Online Free Screen Recorder:

  1. free.hubcap.video: Online Free Screen Recorder which is the best Useful Online Tools compared to others for making any video project with no time limits
  2. www.screencastify.com/products/screen-recorder: Free/Paid online screen recorder. Get 5 mins free recording with autosave in google drive.
  3. obsproject.com/: Free online screen recorder with offline features

Identify/Generate Colors Online from Image:

  1. palettegenerator.com: Identify colors of images after uploading it. Extract multiple color on its adjustment
  2. color.adobe.com: Generate and select the desired color for you webpage design
  3. color.adobe.com/create/image: Identify colors of image after uploading it. Extract main color but it’s best main tool than other
  4. color.adobe.com/create/image-gradient: Upload image and place cirle with mouse on various color of image to extract color from image, another best tool

Virus Free website to download Windows Software:

  1. getintopc.com: Download virus free windows software with out any popup ad in 2 clicks
  2. igetintopc.com: Alt of above but safe to use which also provide virus free windows software download
  3. soft98.ir: Virus Free but open this site in Chrome Browser. It is in Arabic so do right click on any webpage page and click ‘Translate in English’ so that you can download your preferred software. NOTE: All file password is soft98.ir

Free Online file coverter like audio, video & so on

  1. www.online-convert.com: file coverter for free online of any format like pdf, video, audio and other docs
  2. www.freefileconvert.com: Alt of above but with less and some extra features
  3. www.convertfiles.com: Convert files to any format like you want like pdf, audio, video etc.

Online unlimited image backgroud remover like photoshop

  1. https://www.remove.bg: Online background image remover online with upload and URL features
  2. https://www.adobe.com/express/feature/image/remove-background: Online background image remover powered by adobe company
  3. removal.ai: Remove background image online as a free user too

AI image generator online (freemium)

  • https://leonardo.ai/: Create an AI image with just a textual command prompt. 150 free credits daily.
  • https://www.recraft.ai/: Create an AI image with a textual command prompt. Create 10 free AI images daily.
  • Note on Useful Online Tools:

    Above listed sites are very important as blogger, Youtuber, Affiliate Marketer etc. So make use of it in your daily life. It will boost up your work efficiency saving a lots of time providing various helpful ideas.