Privacy Policy

Privacy Policy

This Site Privacy Policy page for Visitors & Customers.

This privacy policy page rule has been compiled to serve better those concerned with laws and regulations focusing on how their ‘Personally Identifiable Information (PII) is being used online. As already described in US privacy law and information security, PII is the instruction companies can use on their own or with other guidance to identify, contact, or locate a single person or simply identify a particular individual personality in that situation. Please read this privacy policy information carefully to get a clear understanding by which adopting which medium we collect, use, protect or otherwise handle your Personally Identifiable Information following our website Terms of Use . What confidential information do we collect from the people that visit our blog, website or app? When do we collect information? Usually, we collect information from you when you subscribe to a newsletter or enter information on our site. Please bother to provide us your valuable feedback about our products or services for better customer service in the future. How do we use your information? We use your information through google analytics, where none of your personal information is collected. If your subscribe to our website, then only your name and email will be used for sending you an email when a new post is published on our website where sometimes newsletter can be sent. To
  • personalize your experience and to allow us to deliver the type of content and product offerings in which you are most interested.
  • improve our website in order to better serve you.
  • allow us to better service you in responding to your customer service requests.
  • ask for ratings and reviews of services or products.

How do we protect your information based on Privacy Policy?

  • never use any kinds of vulnerable scanning and/or scanning to PCI standards.
  • only provide articles and information.
  • never ask for credit card numbers.
  • use regular Malware Scanning.
  • Your personal information like your subscribed email and your name will be used by our authorized employee only so that it can never be misused in many ways from our side. Hence be well assured related to your submitted information.
  • In addition to this, all sensitive information you supply is encrypted via Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology.
  • Besides Secure Socket Layer (SSL) technology, we also use antivirus for our website so that your submitted email will be used from our side only. Hackers will not be able to access your email and name submitted to our website.
  • All collected information like your email and name are stored in safe servers without any leakage of your confidential information submitted to us.
  • Do we use ‘cookies’? We do use cookies that store a small file in your browser. This is just to keep our website’s main code like HTML, CSS, js code so that if you visit any other page of our website, it will be easier for you to surf the webpages of our website. Cookies are also used for easy browsing like if you search anything on our website, then keywords used for searching from your side will auto show while typing in the website search bar. This will make website browsing faster.

    We use cookies to:

    • To help visitors for faster browsing experience without delaying their time.
    • Understand the behaviour of keyword research on our website for better content publish in the future
    • Keep track of advertisements.
    We use 3rd party cookies, which are trusted since they are paid ones. There is no point in worrying about regarding your privacy and security. There will be no distraction in browsing the webpage. Not any kinds of popup notifications will be sent to you in just keeping your mind stuck out there. Cookies of any website can be cleared from your browsers within a few clicks. It has to be removed from time to time to make the web browser load fastly. Third-party disclosure Our motive is never to sell, trade, or otherwise transfer to outside parties your Personally Identifiable Information. Third-party links Here 3rd, party links only include the reference website for your better acknowledgement. Some kinds of reliable affiliate links and ad networks are used where there is nothing to worry about. Google Google’s Advertising Principles can sum up Google’s advertising requirements. Know more about how ad is safely placed on publisher website from google ad network As a third-party vendor, Google simply uses their own ad cookies to serve ads on their website publisher site. If users do not see the ads based on their interest, they can simply turn it off from the ‘i’ icon at the top right-hand side corner.

    Here we have implemented the following:

    • Remarketing with Google AdSense
    • Google Display Network Impression Reporting
    • Demographics and Interests Reporting
    Along with google ad networks, we also use other ad networks for showing ads on our website to cover our hosting and additional costs to make our online service an ongoing process. There will not be any kinds of threats from those ad networks. Hence, be confirmed that you are browsing a safe website. Opting out: To see the ads based on your interest, you can change the ad preference from your Gmail account setting. It shows the ads based on your behaviour of surfing the interest on your mobile app or desktop using the chrome browser and the cookies they set in another browser for showing the relevant ads to the users. California Online Privacy Protection Act CalOPPA organization of USA is the very first state law agency in the nation where commercial websites require online services to post their privacy policy. The website owner must state clearly what information will be collected from their own side from the customer’s side on their privacy policy page. – Learn more at: California online Privacy Protecton Act (CalOPPA) According to CalOPPA organization, we agree to the following: Visitors can visit on our website anonymously without any registration or login. We don’t collect anything from the visitors except their email addresses and full name for the website subscription to send them periodic emails, which is always optional for the website visitors.

    You will be notified if any Privacy Policy will change on this page:

    • On our Privacy Policy Page
    Can change your personal information:
    • By emailing us
    • By logging in to your account
    How as a website we handle Do Not Track signals? Here we honour the visitors Do Not Track signals privacy power. We never track visitors’ location or anything like plant cookies in your web browser or use them for our advertising when a Do Not Track (DNT) browser mechanism is in place. Does our site allow third-party behavioural tracking? It’s also important to remind that we allow third-party behavioural tracking, which is generally done from an ad network, to show relevant ads to our visitors. COPPA (Children Online Privacy Protection Act) When it comes to collecting individual information from children below 13 years of age where based on Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA) of the USA puts parents in control of a better future for their children. The Federal Trade Commission of the USA’s consumer protection agency imposes the COPPA Rule, which allures out what owners of websites must do in order to protect the children’s privacy and their safety online while browsing the internet. Children below 13 years old are simply permitted to use the internet online like a professional due to their immaturity. Fair Information Practices The Fair Information Practices Principles of the USA form the backbone of privacy law in the United States. The concepts they include have played a substantial role in creating data protection laws worldwide. Understanding the Fair Information Practice Principles of the USA and how they should be implemented is very condemnatory to comply with the various privacy laws that protect personal information.

    In order to be in line with Fair Information Practices we will take the following responsive action, should a data breach occur:

    • We will notify you via email news letter Within 1-2 business days
    • Users will get a notification via in-site notification for infotrim official android app users
    Here we also comply with the Individual Redress Principle of the USA, which requires that individual personalities have the sole right to legally follow the enforceable rights against website data collectors and processors who fail to cling to US governmental rules and laws. This principle requires not only that people should have enforceable rights against data users. But it also states that individuals have recourse to courts or government agencies to investigate and/or prosecute non-compliance by data processors. CAN-SPAM Act The CAN-SPAM Act is a law for website owners that sets the rules for commercial email sent to email subscribers for the establishment of commercial messages, which gives the email recipients the right to stop receiving emails from being sent to them within a few clicks right from their email inbox where it’s violation spells out tough penalties for the email senders. We collect your email address in order to:
    • Send post published information, respond to inquiries asked through a contact form, and/or other requests or questions based on visitors’ needs.
    • To acknowledge the customers about any important changes done on our website which is important for them to know
    • Send you any added or depreciation information related to our product and/or service.
    To be in accordance with CAN-SPAM, we agree to the following:
    • Not use any kinds of false or misleading subjects or email addresses in order to block spam
    • Identify the email message as an advertisement from the email senders to us in some reasonable way.
    • to know you are real humans, not any kinds of software bots trying to spam our contact form or email inbox
    • Honour opt-out/unsubscribe requests quickly.
    • Allow users to unsubscribe email receiving from us just by using the link at the bottom of each sent email from us to the subscribed customer.

    If at any time you would like to unsubscribe from receiving future emails, you can email us at

    • Simply follow the email instructions at the bottom of each sent email. If that does not work, then simply contact us using the contact us page of this website, and we will simply remove them from our email database.
    • Only contact if it is not working from your backend then we will be glad to help you in your need of emergency.
    Contacting Us If there are any queries concerning this site privacy policy, you may Contact Us to the below address.
    Last Edited on 2024-10-20